Free style (work in Progress)


This is where the bits of unfinished  , forgotten , lost bits of my poems lie . i might update , change or mix some later .


I believe in an unknown deity
In my mystical internal divinity
In an almost illogical eternity
And my will power above insanity

Still i live a hypocrite face to face
Yeah, i know i shouldn't transgress
But that only slows down the pace
Methods, religion, belief, can’t just erase
The living definition of fell from grace.

I co-wrote the free men's constitution and yet i own slaves.
I live on top of tall buildings but my mind is still a cave
I am the face of ethics but can't stand the reflection of my face  




Like the bee's affair with a flower's fragrance
Her bold overconfidence calls out to my unchallenged arrogance
They both descend from the top of a peek
For a silly little game of hide and seek

Entangled in the motion of the rivalry
Emotions flow but neither will commit
Egos above, all against chivalry
The stakes are high but "who will admit?”

If love and hate had a tie it would be the passion
That strangely familiar no-man's land
That separates desire and attraction
Where each falls in love's quick sand
With the soul you met as sole way to salvation
But we're both too proud to lend a hand 

