The writer's curse

The writer's curse
Tagging around like a lady's purse

Set to always sail on the seas of fiction
Continously sipping on self-deception
Alone is the crew on the ship of imagination

Hands chained by the illusions of his mind
Bound to always fall for the "one of a kind"
Yet in his pocket lies the key to the solution he never finds

In his greatest fear lies his wealth n treasure
The power of his words he still can't measure
And their inevitable outcomes pain or pleasure

Sinking  deeply in the beauty of art
If wishes were horses , carved on the walls of his heart .
You just can't help the tearing apart
When the pen and paper have to part.

The sweet seas of fantasy
were all just a mistress
That sour cold reality
is the jealous wife in he kisses.

The writer's curse ,
Another blessing in disguise
Read  between the lines
And look through water
Aiming for the skies
you will find God present in his verse.

The writer's curse , impossible to reverse
